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    Principal clinic

    Hopital de La Tour

    Dr Pierre Quinodoz
    Avenue J.-D. Maillard 1bis
    1217 Meyrin – Suisse

    Tél. +41 22 719 65 85
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    Clinic at Cologny

    Dr Pierre Quinodoz
    Chemin Boissier 19
    1223 Cologny – Suisse

    Tél. +41 22 719 65 85
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    In our office or
    online by videoconference

    During the visio-consultation, Dr. Quinodoz will use an ultra-modern computer imaging program to visualize the results of a procedure from your photos. He will provide you with his specialist’s comments so that you can make an informed decision.


    The principle here is to remove fat from one part of the body by way of liposuction and to inject it into another part of the body thereby filling in an area.

    The aim is to bring about a real autograft (self-grafting) of fatty cells by way of injection of fat taken from the patient her/himself.

    We use lipostructure or lipomodelling in aesthetics to fill and to smooth lines on the face, to restore fullness to a thin face, or when the first signs of facial ageing appear. This technique is often used in face lifts to improve harmony of the face.

    In brief the technique consists of the removal of fat from an area where it is “surplus”, such as on the hips and implanting it in an area where the fat is insufficient, for example the buttock area or chest .

    This aesthetic treatment is not covered by medical insurance. The technique can, however, also be used in reconstructive and restorative surgery, for example to fill in indentations in tissue following an accident, the treatment of lipoatrophy seen in HIV+ patients after treatment and to correct contours and to improve the aspect of the skin following breast implants or other breast surgery/reconstruction. In certain cases, we can use PRP to boost the effect of the graft in some areas.

    Hypertrophy of labia minora is the term used to describe labia minora which are excessive in size. Moreover, when standing, the labia minora protrude beyond the shape of the vulva which can greatly inhibit patients in their dress or in the practice of certain sports (such as cycling, horse riding etc). Their distress is also psychological, and can include difficulty in undressing in front of a partner. Risk of repeated yeast infections can also be encountered.

    These troubles can justify, in extreme cases, coverage and funding by insurance (assurance maladie). The surgery consists of reducing the size of the labia or correcting asymmetry. Several techniques exist, but the aim is to make a bespoke resection according to a personalized and pre-established plan where the cut follows the free side of the labia.

    The operation is usually carried out under vigil anesthesia, a deeper local anesthetic administered intravenously. The operation lasts between 30 and 40 minutes and the patient may be able to go home on the same day after only several hours of monitoring. Little post-operative discomfort is associated with the procedure.

    The patient wears a pad inside their underpants and is advised to wear comfortable, loose fitting closes. The area needs to be cleaned twice daily by way of a “sitz bath” and dried with a hairdryer to avoid dampness. Stitches are absorbable. Sexual activity can be resumed after 3 weeks activities such as cycling and horse riding after 1 to 2 months. There is normally no need for time off work.

    For further information : Société Suisse de Chirurgie Plastique Reconstructive et Esthétique

    Le principe est de prélever de la graisse d’une partie du corps par lipoaspiration et de la réinjecter dans un autre endroit du corps dans un but de comblement.

    Le principe est de réaliser une véritable auto-greffe de cellules graisseuses par réinjection de la graisse prélevée sur le patient lui-même.

    On utilise la lipostructure ou le lipomodelage en esthétique dans le comblement et l’atténuation de certains creux du visage, en restaurant la plénitude d’un visage amaigri ou lors des premiers stades du vieillissement facial. Cette technique s’utilise en complément de la plupart des liftings pour améliorer l’harmonie du visage.

    Au niveau de la silhouette, il s’agit d’une technique qui prélève la graisse dans une zone où elle est excédentaire, par exemple la culotte de cheval, et qui la réimplante dans une zone où le volume manque, par exemple la région fessière ou dans la poitrine (cf traitement des seins). Ce traitement esthétique n’est pas pris en charge par les caisses maladie. Par contre, il existe également des indications en chirurgie réparatrice et reconstructive, avec notamment le comblement de dépressions des tissus suite à un accident, le traitement des fontes graisseuses après des traitements chez les patients HIV+ et afin de corriger les contours et l’aspect cutané après des implants mammaires ou des chirurgies de reconstruction du sein.

    Dans certaines indications, nous utilisons également un PRP afin d’augmenter la prise de la greffe dans certaines zones.

    The pectus extavatum is a distortion of the chest characterized by a median depression or lateralized sternum. It is present in 1 to 2% of the population. It has no heart or respiratory repercussions except in very exceptional cases that occur in early childhood. The discomfort is mostly psychological regardless of age.

    Currently, only 15% of people with a pectus excavatum undergo surgery.

    Dr P. Quinodoz in collaboration with d’AnatomikModeling team (, practice of reconstruction interventions of pectus excavatum by custom prosthesis.

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