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Lipofilling or lipostructure

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    Principal clinic

    Hopital de La Tour

    Dr Pierre Quinodoz
    Avenue J.-D. Maillard 1bis
    1217 Meyrin – Suisse

    Tél. +41 22 719 65 85
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    Clinic at Cologny

    Dr Pierre Quinodoz
    Chemin Boissier 19
    1223 Cologny – Suisse

    Tél. +41 22 719 65 85
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    During the visio-consultation, Dr. Quinodoz will use an ultra-modern computer imaging program to visualize the results of a procedure from your photos. He will provide you with his specialist’s comments so that you can make an informed decision.

    Lipofilling or lipostructure

    The principle is to remove fat from one part of the body by liposuction and reinject it into another part of the body for filling.

    The principle is to carry out a true self-grafting of fat cells by reinjecting the fat taken from the patient himself.

    Lipostructure or lipomodelling is used in aesthetics to fill in and attenuate certain facial hollows, restoring the fullness of a slimmed face or during the early stages of facial ageing. This technique is used in addition to most facelifts to improve the harmony of the face.

    At the silhouette level, it is a technique that removes fat from an area where it is excess, for example the saddlebags, and reimplants it in an area where there is a lack of volume, for example the buttocks or in the chest. This aesthetic treatment is not covered by health insurance companies. On the other hand, there are also indications for reconstructive and reconstructive surgery, such as filling tissue depressions following an accident, treatment of fatty deposits after treatments in HIV+ patients and to correct the contours and appearance of the skin after breast implants or breast reconstruction surgery. In certain indications, we also use PRP to increase graft take in certain areas.

    The principle is to carry out a true self-grafting of fat cells by reinjecting the fat taken from the patient himself.

    Lipostructure or lipomodelling is used in aesthetics to fill in and attenuate certain facial hollows, restoring the fullness of a slimmed face or during the early stages of facial ageing. This technique is used in addition to most facelifts to improve the harmony of the face.

    At the silhouette level, it is a technique that removes fat from an area where it is excess, for example the saddlebags, and reimplants it in an area where there is a lack of volume, for example the buttocks or in the chest (cf breast treatment). This aesthetic treatment is not covered by health insurance companies. On the other hand, there are also indications for reconstructive and reconstructive surgery, such as filling tissue depressions following an accident, treatment of fatty deposits after treatments in HIV+ patients and to correct the contours and appearance of the skin after breast implants or breast reconstruction surgery. In certain indications, we also use PRP to increase graft take in certain areas.

    We frequently use the patient’s own fat in plastic and cosmetic surgery as a natural and autologous filler to correct volume loss, whether to restore the effects of aging on the face or to correct relief after trauma or surgery.

    In recent years, a major discovery has been made following observations on the improvement of skin texture in areas corrected by fat injection: Fat tissue is rich in regenerative cells (ADSC: adipose derived stem cells).

    These cells have a very important role in tissue regeneration. When injected into the skin, they are transformed into fibroblasts and start to produce new collagen, elastin and structural proteins.

    A new fat injection technique has resulted from these discoveries: fat is no longer used only to correct volumes, but also to improve the texture of the skin, as has long been the case with mesotherapy, for example.

    The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia or light sedation. Fat is removed using a cannula and syringe. A few millilitres are required. It is centrifuged and then passed through a microfilter to break up all the fat cells and keep only the fraction rich in stem cells (vascular Stromal fraction). This preparation is very liquid and allows the surgeon to inject it with a fine needle in a very superficial way, as close as possible to the skin, directly into the wrinkle to be treated without any risk of irregularity.

    This exciting treatment, with no risk of major complications, is indicated for improving skin texture, reducing fine facial lines, improving the appearance of a scar or tear trough or treating dark circles.

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