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    Principal clinic

    Hopital de La Tour

    Dr Pierre Quinodoz
    Avenue J.-D. Maillard 1bis
    1217 Meyrin – Suisse

    Tél. +41 22 719 65 85
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    Clinic at Cologny

    Dr Pierre Quinodoz
    Chemin Boissier 19
    1223 Cologny – Suisse

    Tél. +41 22 719 65 85
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    In our office or online by videoconference

    During the visio-consultation, Dr. Quinodoz will use an ultra-modern computer imaging program to visualize the results of a procedure from your photos. He will provide you with his specialist’s comments so that you can make an informed decision.

    Breast treatments

    You can see on our site examples of results from before and after photographs of patients who have kindly given their permission and consent for publication. Our goal is to help you in your process. However, please keep in mind that every man and woman is different and the results will depend on your specificity.

    ““– I am very proud to present the unretouched pictures of my surgical results, taken from patients who gave me without any hesitation permission to share these before/after pictures with you. Of course, these images represent only a fraction of the many satisfied patients I have had the privilege of operating on.”
    Dr Pierre Quinodoz

    Breast augmentation by way of implants

    Breast hypoplasia is defined as insufficient volume in the breast relative to the proportions of the patient. The breasts are not developed enough or they have grown smaller as a result of slimming or following pregnancy.

    Breast augmentation consists of using implants (prostheses) to revise the size while preserving the natural contour of the breast.

    A large variety of prostheses exist, varying in shape, width and fullness so the best possible result can be achieved. The choice of implant, round or anatomical (a pre-formed half pear shape) should be discussed with your surgeon and should take into account your wishes but also your own body shape. At the clinical examination you can discuss volume, shape and outcome with the assistance of computer software for simulation as well as tailor made trial implants which you can try on.
    The procedure takes place under local anesthetic combined with the administration of a sedative.
    An overnight stay in hospital is usually required but sometimes it can be carried out on an outpatient basis. When the implants are placed under the muscle there can be some post-operative discomfort/pain which requires the use of analgesics and a period of about 7 days off work. It is important to underline that the procedure does not affect in any way sensibility in the breast nor the ability to breastfeed.

    Dr P Quinodoz only uses implants which are certified according to international standards: consult the site “Motiva breast implants quality brochure” and the site for Motiva implants.

    Website to consult  website of implants Motiva.



    Breast augmentation by way of lipofilling is a technique whereby the patient’s own fat, from the belly, thighs, knees, “saddlebags” or hips is harvested and injected into the breast. This technique can allow for relatively minor breast augmentation in a patient who is well aware of the advantages and disadvantages and who wishes to increase the size of their breast by one cup. Both before and six months after the operation the patient must undergo both a mammogram and ultrasound of the breasts. Your surgeon will discuss the indications against the technique.

    The procedure is carried out on an outpatient basis. Fat in the areas mentioned above is harvested using fine cannulas and then injected with micro-cannulas all around the mammary gland and into the muscle. Care must be taken not to inject the fat into the mammary gland itself. The rate of resorption of the fat once in the breast varies from person to person but one can expect to see a definitive result between 6 and 9 months after the procedure.

    However, based on studies made in several countries we know that the corrections made will reduce by 30 to 40% over the following few months due to physiological fat resorption. But the treatment can of course be repeated.



    This is a procedure that consists of the placement of breast implants combined with lipofilling, autologous fat grafting or lipostructure. It is sometimes called Composite breast augmentation.
    The first step of the procedure is a mini liposuction. Fat is removed from the thighs or belly. Then, the fat is centrifuged and purified, before being injected with fine cannulas around the prostheses, especially in the décolleté. This procedure reduces the contour of the implants and allows a customized breast augmentation and breast enhancement, without any impact on the monitoring of the mammary gland.

    The results are natural and long-lasting, with no deformation of the breasts during muscle contractions, nor rotation or displacement of the prostheses.
    Breast augmentation with lipofilling and prostheses is recommended for thin women, whose implants are most likely to be visible.
    In all cases, the implants are placed in front of the pectoral muscle which is the natural position of the mammary gland and this greatly avoids postoperative pain.


    For breasts that are deemed to be too large or breast hypertrophy

    Breast hypertrophy is defined as breasts that are too large relative to the patient’s body shape. This excess in volume is often associated with sagging of the breasts.

    This phenomenon almost always brings with it other physical problems (such as back pain or neck pain) and can also hinder the practice of sport, not to mention psychological consequences. This procedure is not very painful. There is scarring – around the nipple, plus a vertical scar and perhaps a horizontal one hidden in the crease under the breast. Modern techniques and materials mean there are no stitches to be removed. The patient must wear a support bra 24 hours a day for about a month

    Breast hypertrophy can be performed from as early as the end of puberty. Often the treatment is covered entirely by medical insurance. Normal activities can begin to be resumed within a month of the operation.




    Drooping breast or breast lifting (mastopexy)

    Drooping breasts (or mammary ptosis or sagging of the breast) come about as a result of loss in elasticity of the skin combined with a reduction in volume of the mammary gland. The breasts sag and their upper part is empty. To correct this, the surgeon can either make an incision around the nipple or make the circular incision plus a vertical incision. The aim is to reposition the breast and help it regain its natural curve.

    It is not a painful procedure. It can be performed once the breasts have stopped growing, from around the age of 17. In some severe cases it is associated with weight gain or with genetic problems around hyper elasticity of the skin. The procedure requires an overnight hospital stay, but in some cases can even be performed on an outpatient basis. 8 days off work is sufficient and normal activities can be resumed after the first month. The breast regains its natural curve and, as in the case of breast reduction surgery, with a natural and youthful figure patients feel better in their bodies and in their minds.




    Nipples can appear inverted from childhood. This becomes particularly problematic later in life during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Indeed, inverted nipples can make breastfeeding problematic.

    Surgery seeks to bring out the nipples and to improve the aesthetics of the breast. But breastfeeding remains an issue. Hypertrophy of the nipples can also be corrected. This procedure is routinely carried out on an outpatient basis wtih a local anesthetic plus light sedation. The procedure can also be carried out at the same time as breast augmentation or reduction.

    A surprising number of young women suffer from poor development of one or more breasts in adolescence. Once the breasts have stopped forming, at around 17 years old, it is possible to correct the malformation problem by remodelling the breasts. Each surgeon employs his own techniques. Sometimes, a size difference can be corrected by the insertion of a breast implant.

    Local fatty deposits can form in various areas of the body and, despite a strict diet or exercise regime, are very hard to shift. Lipoaspiration can eradicate such deposits once and for all.

    It can be applied to a large number of areas around the body – such as the “saddlebags”, hips, belly, thighs, knees, calves, ankles, arms. Thanks to improvements in techniques, it can also be used on the face and neck, to reduce a double chin or to bring more oval harmony to the face.

    The procedure involves making minute incisions using blunt, not sharp, cannulas which are perforated at their tip. These cannulas are connected to a closed circuit which creates slight negative pressure allowing for smooth and trauma-free suction of excess fatty cells. Where these fatty cells are unable to multiply, there can be no recurrence.

    But watch out! Liposuction is not a weight loss method and its aim is not to control a patient’s weight: and lipoaspiration does not allow a patient to circumvent improvements in a healthy lifestyle. Nor is liposuction to be used to treat obesity.

    Every clinic and surgeon uses different techniques and apparatus for liposuction. Dr P Quinodoz operates in clinics possessing the most up to date apparatus. Whether the procedure requires a stay in hospital depends upon the amount of fat to be removed. A stay can range from several hours and the patient can be home on the same day, to one to two days where the procedure is more involved. After the operation, the patient needs to wear a support band for at least one month. Normal activities can be resumed during the first week and some physiotherapy for lymphatic drainage is recommended. The elasticity of the patient’s own skin will determine the final result. Progressive improvement towards a new figure is noted within 3 to 9 months, but in fact the improvement is already quite spectacular from as early as the 3rd week after surgery.

    It is necessary to bear in mind that, while it has been trivialized somewhat over recent years, liposuction is a true surgical procedure which must be carried out by a competent and qualified plastic surgeon, trained in this technique.

    Non-surgical treatments do exist to deal with particular, localized clusters of fat. Do not hesitate to ask your aesthetic surgeon about non-surgical corrective procedures.

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